Utility Costs Breaking The Bank?

Utility Costs Breaking The Bank | Electrician in Edmonton AB | Electrician in Fort Saskatchewan AB | Electrician in Sherwood Park AB | Electrician in. St. Albert AB

Utility Costs Breaking The Bank | Electrician in Edmonton AB | Electrician in Fort Saskatchewan AB | Electrician in Sherwood Park AB | Electrician in. St. Albert AB


If utility costs are breaking the bank and you are looking for ways to cut back on your energy and gas consumption, you aren't the only one.  Even though the government put a cap of 6.8 per kw hour on energy rates that carry over to June 2021, the transmission costs are increasing at an alarming rate, leaving Albertans wondering where they can reduce their energy bills.   

With the elemination of coal-electricity set to be phased out by 2030 only leaves the stark reality that boosting renewable energy usage, in turn, would mean significantly higher electricity rates.  So what can you do in your home or business today that will have long lasting effects on your wallet? 

  • 13% of  your electricity bill is a result of your water heater. 

    • Lower the Temperature on Your Hot Water Heater to 130-140 degrees and install an insulation jacket on the first 6 feet of piping which comes off the water heater. 

  • Install dimmer switches and consider investing in motion sensors for outdoor lighting.

  • Keep Your Fridge and Freezer Full.  Say what?? That's right!  Food actually works as an insulator and reduces the time the fridge/freezer has to run to stay cool.

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  • Cleaning your refridgerator coils are also important in keeping your fridge running efficiently. 

  • Use Circulation Fans instead of relying on your air conditioner in the summer time. 

  • Unplug your gadgets!! 

    • A whopping 75% of the energy used by home electronics is consumed when they're turned off.

    • Better yet, use Smart Strip Surge Protectors that are designed to cut the power to the plugs when not in use.

  • Yearly HVAC Maintenance and change filters to increase the efficiciency and of course ... have cleaner air to breathe!!

  • LED's use 90% less energy than traditional incadescent bulbs.

  • Turn off the Heat Dry cycle on the dishwasher, which is the cycle that uses most of the energy.

  • Upgrade to Energy Star Appliances if your existing appliances are 10 years or older.

  • Cold Water Usage for Laundry and only full loads when possible.

  • Programmable Thermostat is great so you can adjust it to lower tempatures when you are at work or sleeping. 

  • To maximize your dryer's efficiency be sure to clean out the lint trap.

  • An on-demand, or Tankless, hot water heater can cut your hot water energy costs in half.

  • Insulate behind electrical switches or outlets with electrical outlet sealers to reduce draft and to keep the heat in. 

Comparing Utility Costs in Alberta

Using your 13-digit utility account number you can find provider options that are available in your area.  

Comparing Utility Costs in Alberta | Electrician in Edmonton AB | Electrician in Fort Saskatchewan AB | Electrician in Sherwood Park AB | Electrician in. St. Albert AB

Comparing Utility Costs in Alberta | Electrician in Edmonton AB | Electrician in Fort Saskatchewan AB | Electrician in Sherwood Park AB | Electrician in. St. Albert AB

If you require an energy audit, Wireworks Electrical Services Ltd. can do a walk through of your home or business and discuss your options to be more energy efficient.  We can be contacted at 780-289-1660 or by email at ray@wireworksltd.com