Born in Davidson, small town Saskatchewan and lived my teenage years in beautiful Saskatoon. I always knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur. Growing up with 2 older sisters and a single mom I was keenly aware of the curve-balls life can throw at you. I learned at a young age that perseverance, honesty and a lot of hard work will always create a winning attitude.
At the age of 25 my son Hayden was born. My life changed that day. I was now proud dad running up and down the hallways of the hospital showing this little mini-me off to whoever would stop to check him out. This awesome and pivotal event kick-started my career to being an electrician. By 27 I earned my Journeyman Electrical ticket and 2 years later we moved to Sherwood Park, Alberta. For the following 7 years I was employed with Hawk Electric as the senior electrician on staff and earned my stripes with the loyal clientele of Fort Saskatchewan and Sherwood Park.
“Two things have always remained a constant for me. Customer satisfaction and quality electrical work...”
In 2008 I made the decision to be my own boss and that is when Wireworks Electrical Services Ltd. was established. Throughout the years there have been many challenges and learning curves that come with a being a business owner yet two things have always remained a constant for me. Customer satisfaction and quality electrical work. The number one factor in building my customer base over the years can directly be attributed to two things. Providing solid advice and never performing work that I would not be satisfied with in my own home. I have great pride in knowing that the team I lead will conduct themselves with a high level of integrity, and honesty will never take the backseat in this endeavor of excellence.
For customers past and present, I thank you! I thank you for trusting in me and my team. As for future customers who are currently looking for a solid and reputable electrical company to partner with, I invite you to reach out to me directly to discuss your electrical needs and project requirements. I look forward to hearing from you.
Raymond Hardy
Wireworks Electrical Services Ltd.
p. 780-289-1660
e. ray@wireworksltd.com