electrical troubleshooting — Blog with Electrical Tips 'n Tricks — Wireworks Electrical Services Ltd.

electrical troubleshooting

Agricultral and Farm Electrician Fort Saskatchewan AB

Agricultral and Farm Electrician Fort Saskatchewan AB

Wireworks Electrical Services Ltd. has a great deal of experience as an agricultural and farm electrical contractor.  With over 20 years experience in the trade and agricultural roots, we bring our 'A' game when it comes to your farming and agricultural electrical installations and requirements.  We provide maintenance and repair for your buildings, including farm shops, machinery storage buildings, cattle barns, poultry houses, hog facilities, nursery, and greenhouses. Our services include, but not limited to……

Agricultural and Farm Electrical Contractor Sherwood Park AB

Agricultural and Farm Electrical Contractor Sherwood Park AB

With over 20 years experience in the trade, Wireworks Electrical Services Ltd. is the go-to Agricultural and Farm electrical contractor serving Sherwood Park and area.  Having started the trade in agricultural communities, our team of journeymen electricians provide excellent service catering to your farming and agricultural electrical requirements…..

Difference between GFCI and AFCI Breakers

Difference between GFCI and AFCI Breakers

To understand the difference between GFCI and AFCI one needs to understand the instance or application for each of these circuit interupters.  And there is a drastic difference between GFCI and AFCI breakers.  An AFCI,  Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter, protects the circuitry of your home or business and are a relatively newer product.  AFCI's are generally used in new construction and provide a higher level of protection than a standard circuit breaker by detecting and removing the

Aluminum Wiring Concerns in Older Homes

Aluminum Wiring Concerns in Older Homes

Aluminum Wiring Concerns in Older Homes Around the early 1950’s until late 1970’s many homes were constructed and wired with aluminum wiring versus today’s homes that are wired with copper.  Taking into account that copper wire is a better conductor than aluminum, in order for aluminum wire to carry the same current as copper in a safe manner is must be larger in size.  It is fairly easy to identify …