Flourescent lighting

Unique 2018 New Year's Resolution Ideas

Unique 2018 New Year's Resolution Ideas


#1. MAKE THIS YEAR A YEAR TO IMPROVE MORE THAN YOU.Small changes over time can equal huge $avings and help the environment at the same time. Swap out a traditional light bulb with an LED every month.  This small act will only cost you a few more dollars each pay period and the electricity savings will be noticeable by the end of the year.

Key Differences Between Fluorescent and LED Lighting

Key Differences Between Fluorescent and LED Lighting

Key Differences Between Fluorescent and LED Lighting When comparing Fluorescent and LED lighting there are a few major differences that the average home or business owner should be aware of.  The first and most obvious of these differences is the lifespan and the energy usage, however both are considerably more energy efficient than traditional incandescent bulbs. The standard LED can last 6 times longer that a fluorescent light bulb, bringing it in…