Electrical Requirements for New Garage Development, Renovations and Additions
New development and construction is a daunting and detail oriented project to undertake. Wireworks Electrical Services Ltd. provides quality electrical services for all such projects. Depending on your city or town’s zoning and permit requirements you may be required to provide a wiring diagram indicating the location of receptacles, lights, switches, and all other equipment to be installed. This could also require total numbers of each type of electrical device to be installed (i.e. individual receptacles, lights, switches etc).
Electrical requirements for any new garage development, renovations and additions, including detached structures , must comply with the current Canadian Electrical Code ( See Alberta Electrical Code ) which one must understand that the Code varies across the provinces. One must also take into consideration that the application process may differ from residential to commercial and the intended use of the new addition, renovation or structure ( residential vs. commercial vs. agricultural or farm ) and will also likely affect permit costs, change the application process and the electrical circuitry that is required.
Our extensive knowledge provides will ensure your renovation, addition or new development and construction project remains on schedule and on budget. Complete with all services required to fulfill the job requirements we will include equipment rentals, trenching, materials and labor in all of our quotes.
Our Services Include:
Garage Development
Shop Development
New Home Development
Condo Development
Hotel Development
Office and Warehouse Projects
Spa and Beauty Salon
Hotel Room Upgrades
Retail Space Upgrades
Electrical Planning, Design and Consultation
And much more .. just ask!
Wireworks Electrical Services Ltd. is equipped to handle all of your electrical needs for your home or business. All work performed, including new construction, additions, renovations, remodel and upgrades will be completed quickly, safely and professionally. Our team of certified licensed electricians are amped to earn your business! We look forward to serving you!
If you require a quote for your next project please contact us directly at 780-289-1660 or reach out by email at ray@wireworksltd.com.