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Fireworks Fort Saskatchewan Canada Day 2019

Fort Saskatchewan Canada Day Fireworks

Fort Saskatchewan Canada Day Fireworks


The annual Canada Day Fireworks are launched from the Rotary Amphitheatre adjacent to Peter T. Ream Historic Park along Fort Saskatchewan’s river valley trail system.

Where: Rotary Amphitheatre adjacent to Peter T. Ream Historic Park
When: 10:45 p.m. or later, depending on when the sun sets
What to bring:  Lawn chairs, blankets, bug spray, umbrella, warm clothes.
Parking: Parking is limited in the area. The popular places to park are in the Co-op parking lot, along 100th Avenue and in Peter T. Ream Historic Park. Be prepared to take a little longer leaving the site.

Will rain stop the fireworks? Rain won’t stop the fireworks. Only strong wind will stop them (30-40 km/h). Lightning may delay them, but the storm will eventually move off.